NOTE: .... All writings are the original work of the author. Please do not use them and call them your own. 8/12/08

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Christmas means many things to many people
But one universal feeling shines through
Love in our heart just grows larger
As we are touched and softened and changed

....written by CL

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


When you have a happy day….celebrate it
When you have a success….celebrate it
When you have a day without the blues….celebrate it
And when you have a day without pain….celebrate it

....written by CL

Monday, November 17, 2008


Whenever you are sad and very blue
Whistle a happy tune
Whenever you are frightened and lost
Whistle a happy tune
Sad, blue, frightened, lost, happy….
All can be helped by whistling a happy tune

....written by CL

Thursday, November 6, 2008


It feels good and lifts the way we view ourselves
When we can take charge of who we are
When we can be in control and follow through
With our good thoughts, feelings and determinations

... written by CL

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Don’t be afraid to try something new and different
Do something fun and something exciting
You will never know unless you try it
You might discover something you’ve been really missing

...written by CL

Friday, October 10, 2008


Life is so unpredictable
Each day is hardly ever the same
One day might be sad and difficult
The next is happy and easy

...written by CL

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I am so glad my hidden ability came out of hiding
Writing seems to come very easy for me
It is magical what it seems to do, therapy wise
It calms, refreshes, stimulates my brain
And it makes me feel good about myself
When I know that what I write can help others

...written by CL

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


My heart and soul aches and misses my sweetheart
His presence and spirit, gone for many years now
The love we had was so tender and sweet and special
Nothing or no one ever again will and can compare

...written by CL

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Something magical and transforming takes place
When I lose myself in reading a book
It takes a special author to captivate and whisk me away
Into different times and places and seasons and worlds
For they weave a story that pulls me deeply in
And I am totally, helplessly, and hopelessly hooked

...written by CL

Saturday, September 6, 2008


My one friend is truly choice above all other friends
I know that my friend honestly cares about me
Because my friend will call me often to see how I am doing
Or will say, “Lets do lunch or a movie” and makes a date
My friend will be there quickly when I need the help
I truly want to be a friend like that to others

...written by CL

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Fall with its cooler temperatures
Is very welcome to my senses
The air is fresh and breezy
A time to sit outdoors more

...written by CL

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I love the time that I spend alone
For I enjoy my own company
When I am alone I can unwind
From the many stresses of the day
Being by myself recharges me
Then with renewed energy, I am good again

...written by CL

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Yesterday we were young, today we have greatly aged
We can’t hide or run from it…it comes to all of us
It’s important not to think the word “old”
Keep a positive mental outlook and do our very best
Stay fit and healthy, that will surely help us a lot
To ride the waves of aging, and to be able to enjoy the ride

...written by CL

Monday, August 18, 2008


Sometimes we take Mr. Sun for granted
He is usually above us all the time
Do we stop, to appreciate what he does
Because…we really miss him when he is hidden

...written by CL

Sunday, August 17, 2008


We all go through our times of suffering
Sometimes it can purify and refine us
We also can learn great lessons from it
Like who we are and who we can become
...written by CL

Friday, August 15, 2008

~ TIME ~

What do we do with our time each day
How do we spend each minute, each hour
Do we waste it, and think nothing of it
Do we treasure it and do all the good we can

...written by CL

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Why is it so hard for me
To get motivated to go and exercise
I know that it is good for me
And I feel better when I do
But golly that extra boost I need
Doesn’t seem to happen easily
...written by CL

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I had my feelings hurt…
How do I feel about the new neighbor…
Feel how soft this fabric is…
I feel a pain in my hand….
The air feels damp…
I feel very happy….
I feel like I am being judged….
I feel the need for change…
I feel chilly…
I feel her sadness….

...written by CL

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


There are tears of happiness and sadness
And tears of pain and misery
But oh how precious is the friend
Who, by your side, sheds them with you

...written by CL


I call myself a movie nut
I just love, love, love them
They relax and take me to La-La-Land
Where I can forget my problems for awhile

...written by CL